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» Store » Books & Patterns » All » Book - Sprang Unsprung by Carol James

Book - Sprang Unsprung by Carol James

Price: $24.95

An illustrated guild to interlinking, interlacing and intertwining.  Sprang uses a simple frame to 'weave' this wonderful fabric or 'netting.'

Carol James is an internationally respected specialist in the low-tech textile methods of finger weaving and sprang.

Carol says in her opening introduction:  "Researching the topic, I came to discover that military sashes are clearly not the limit of sprang.  It is as flexible as knitting and much quicker.  It has been used to form bonnets, bags, socks, and sweaters.  What grabs my attention most is the almost unbelievable claim:  two rows of cloth result from every one row of work!"  With such a beginning, don't you just want to know more?

Carol uses several of our silks for her creations:  reeled silk Neva (medium cord), Chilali (med-fine cord) and for the very ambitious, Lixue (fine cord).

A self-published book, this 80-page, full-color book is a the ultimate resource for sprang.


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