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» Store » Silk Fibers - Undyed » Cocoons » Organic Wild Silk Cocoons - Tussah/Tasar - 200g

Organic Wild Silk Cocoons - Tussah/Tasar - 200g

Price: $80.00

The Antherea mylitta wild silk worm spins tussah silk, also known as tasar silk in India. These are the Raily Tasar variety of cocoons.

To be able to import these valuable wild silk cocoons from India, the cocoon has been slit and the pupa removed or the moth has already emerged, so these silk cocoons are not suitable for reeling, but they are wonderful for educational purposes.

The cocoons are not treated with any chemicals.

200 grams

Color:  natural

Purchase $150 of 'bulk' undyed yarns or fibers and receive a 10% discount on those items. The discount will be applied manually before finalizing your credit card charge.

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