Silk Yarns | Fibers | Threads & Ribbons

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[ 3 ] Items

Silk Fusion - scroll down to see products -- Hankies (mawata)

Silk hankies (also known as mawata) are a 10-inch square of silk fibre held together by a "selvedge."  You'll notice the "selvedge" is shinier; this is because the fibers are 'organized' and laying in the same direction which allows more light to reflect back at you.

They can be used in silk fusion, needle felting, stitched onto fabric, spun into thread and more.

Silk Hankies -  25g
Price: $16.75

100% Bombyx Silk; also call 'Cultivated Silk' or 'Mulberry Silk'

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Silk Hankies - 500g
Price: $230.00

100% Bombyx Silk; also call 'Cultivated Silk' or 'Mulberry Silk'    

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[ 3 ] Items