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» Store » Combed Top/Sliver, Natural » Bombyx (Mulberry) » Bombyx Silk Oblongs (Laps) - Whole

Bombyx Silk Oblongs (Laps) - Whole

Price: $280.00

Less-than-perfectly shaped cocoons are used to make oblong (also known as 'laps' in Britain).   The degummed cocoons are carded on a large carding machine to make large 'batts' approximately 56" x 60" (approx 700g) for a whole oblong. 

Bombyx silk is also known as cultivated silk or mulberry silk.  It's about 15 microns in diameter.

These lofty oblongs are great for felting as well as silk fusion.

We’ve listed the price for the average weight oblong.  We charge by the gram, so if your oblong is a bit lighter, you’ll pay a bit less and if your oblong is a bit heavier, you’ll pay a bit more

Silk from China

700 grams (1lb/9oz) package

Color:  natural silvery-white

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