320 Hot Flash - Ribbon, 7mm
7mm Ribbon (1/4 inch)
Hand-dyed in Colorado--color fast. We use acid dyes with heat and then rinse until water runs clear.
Wash in tepid or slightly warm water.
The silk is from the Bombyx mori silk worm, often referred to as "mulberry" silk.
5 yards
Did you know? Treenway Silks’ ribbon can also be used in your sewing machine bobbin.
1 skein fits onto a standard sewing machine bobbin
About Treenway Silks’ Ribbons
--All widths of Treenway Silk's ribbons are woven with selvage edges. The selvage edge can hold up to stitching on fabric or being pulled through canvas.
--The silk used is the highest quality reeled silk which still has the sericin in it. The sericin acts as a natural sizing.
--The warp (length-wise) threads are two strands of fine silk which are twisted together. There are 300 fine warp threads per inch.
--The weft (cross-wise threads) is a single silk strand.
--The ribbon is woven in plain weave, where the weft thread goes over and under each individual warp thread, all the way across the ribbon, giving a strong, stable ribbon.