Silk Yarns | Fibers | Threads & Ribbons

  • Call Toll-Free from USA or Canada:
    1.888.383.7455 (SILK)
  • Landline Phone: 303.233.7455 (SILK)
    Both phone lines ring directly to Treenway Silks.
  • Email:
  • Fax: 303.223.3411
  • Mail:
    Treenway Silks
    2060 Miller Court
    Lakewood, CO  80215-1325

    Visitors by appointment only, please

Wild Silk!

Newsletter Subscription

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  • for people who love to play with yarn in various ways, such as weaving, knitting, or crocheting.
    The “I Love Yarn” newsletter is published the first Friday of each month

  • for people who love to play with T&R in various ways, such as cross stitch, needlepoint, embroidery, crazy quilting.
    The “I Love Threads & Ribbons” newsletter is published the second Friday of each month

  • for people who love to play with fibers in various ways, such as spinning, reeling cocoons, silk fusion, mixed media.
    The “I Love Fibers” newsletter is published the third Friday of each month
To see past stories CLICK HERE