Silk Yarns | Fibers | Threads & Ribbons

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    2060 Miller Court
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Sett Chart

The table at right is for setts that produce a 50/50 or balanced fabric using the same weight warp yarn as weft. Setts should vary according to use of finer or heavier weights used in the weft. For instance, sett the 8/2 at 40 EPI for warp-faced fabric using 30/2 as weft, beat in at approximately 20 PPI.

Calculating How Much Yarn Is Needed

Once you have decided on a project and what yarn you want to use, look at the sett chart to get an idea of the sett.

The arithmetic for figuring a project is simple: WIDTH x EPI x LENGTH


2 scarves — 8" wide x 72" long, using 20/2 silk in twill weave.

8" x 28 EPI = 224 warp end

Scarf length:

72"+ 72" = 144" = 4yd + 1/2yd loom waste.

Each of the 224 warp ends must be 4.5yd long

224 x 4.5yd = 1008yd

This is what is required for the warp only. The weft requires only slightly less yarn. Two skeins of 20/2 will weave two scarves.


20/10 n/a 7 EPI 8 EPI
12/2 20 EPI 18 EPI 22 EPI
6 Strand Floss 14 EPI 12 EPI 16 EPI
20/2 26 EPI 24 EPI 28 EPI
20/2 on cones 26 EPI 24 EPI 28 EPI
30/2 32 EPI 30 EPI 34-36 EPI
60/2 60 EPI n/a 66-70 EPI
120/2 120 EPI n/a 132-140 EPI
#0 10 EPI 8 EPI 12 EPI
8/2 20 EPI 18 EPI 22 EPI
Fine Cord 24 EPI 22 EPI 26 EPI
Boucle 12 EPI 10 EPI 14 EPI
Silk Chenille 16 EPI 14 EPI 16 EPI
Eyelash Not appropriate for warp - to be used as accent yarn
30/2 Angora Rabbit / Silk (45%/55%) 32 EPI 28 EPI 36 EPI
60/4 Bamboo / Silk (40%/60%) 32 EPI 28 EPI 36 EPI
30/2 Camel / Silk (45%/55%) 32 EPI 28 EPI 36 EPI
28/2 Cashmere / Silk (20%/80%) 32 EPI 28 EPI 36 EPI
60/4 Cotton / Silk (45%/55%) 30 EPI 28 EPI 32 EPI
60/4 Ramie / Silk (45%/55%) 32 EPI 30 EPI 34-36 EPI
60/4 Wool / Silk (40%/60%) 30 EPI 28 EPI 32 EPI
32/2 Yak / Silk (45%/55%) 32 EPI 28 EPI 36 EPI
30/2 Tussah 32 EPI 30 EPI 34-36 EPI
30/2 Muga 32 EPI 30 EPI 34-36 EPI
20/2 Tussah Peduncle To be used as WEFT only. Handspun in India.
10/1 Noil To be used as WEFT only.
20/2 Noil 22 EPI 20 EPI 24 EPI
10/2 Noil 10 EPI 10 EPI 12 EPI