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» Store » Threads & Ribbons » Hand-dyed (solid color) Threads & Ribbons » 0 Natural White - Thread, Shinju (#5 silk perle)

0 Natural White - Thread, Shinju (#5 silk perle)

Price: $9.00

Shinju—100% Spun Silk, tightly twisted

--similar in size #5 perle
--3-ply thread, not designed to separate the strands
--precise twist aids in creating incredibly tight stitches
--the beauty of this thread is amplified when stitching knots, such as Bullion Knots, Bullion Loops, French Knots and Bullion Roses to name just a few
--suitable for decorative stitches on 13- or 18-mesh canvases

Hand-dyed in Colorado--color fast. We use acid dyes with heat and then rinse until water runs clear.
Wash in tepid or cool/cold water.

The silk is from the Bombyx mori silk worm, often referred to as "mulberry" silk.
"Shinju" means pearl in Japanese.

10 yards (1/2 skein fits onto a standard sewing machine bobbin)

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