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» Store » Silk Fibers - Undyed » Fiber » Natural Silk in Sericin (gummy) - 25g

Natural Silk in Sericin (gummy) - 25g

Price: $6.50

Natural Silk in Sericin is made up of fibres that escaped during reeling and are straight and wirey with the sericin still in it--often called "gummy" silk. 

It is a very unique and fun fiber to work with.  Within the package there is usually an assortment of straight fibres which are shiny, long and smooth as well as curly fibres that may be a bit more tangled.

It is very easy to incorporate into silk fusion with the sericin still in it. It should be degummed for spinning or dyeing.

100% Bombyx Silk (in Sericin)

25 Gram (0.9oz) package

Color:  natural

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